Monday, April 14, 2008

April 12th Recap

Saturday we kicked off our third season of at the Tidwells' house. They just happened to have the most perfect amphitheater-like yard ever. We lucked out with warm weather for most of the day and had a massive crowd of 200+ people.

The Flying Monkeys, The Harmony Brothers, and Dragoon were all awesome in their own way. The Flying Monkeys appeared to be having so much fun, I thought we might have to drag them from the stage! (I mean that in a nice way!)

Jeff Hulett, of The Harmony Brothers, has played two other Rock-n-Romps with two different bands, both of which got rained on. He was very excited to finally have the full-on sunny day experience of Rock-n-Romp.

Those of you who left a little early really missed out on the fun that was Dragoon! The lead singer, an elementary school teacher by day, really got the kids going!

Speaking of, why did people start leaving around 5:00pm? Was it getting too cold? Was it time for dinner? Was Dragoon too loud? Let us know! We pushed our start time back an hour to accommodate the nappers, but we don't want to lose people just when things are getting lively!

Here are some photos from staff photographer Chip Chockley:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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